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Capcom held one of the final showcases of the big summer gaming event, and while it didn’t have much in the way of premieres, it did offer some news with regards to its in-development games. It also announced a few interesting titles, including a new collection of remastered Ace Attorney games and a mobile Mega-Man X game. Sadly, the news was not entirely good as it also announced that upcoming sci-fi action game Pragmata is delayed indefinitely.
The two new-ish games it revealed were Mega Man X: Dive Offline and the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney trilogy. Dive Offline, which was first released in Asia in 2020, is a 2D action-platformer starring familiar characters from the franchise. It launches on PC and mobile in the West later this year. Similarly, the Apollo Justice trilogy contains remastered versions of the three Ace Attorney games starring the titular character — Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies and Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. All three games were available in the Nintendo 3DS store, which shut down earlier this year.
In addition to the above, Capcom also held extended showcases for both Exoprimal and Dragon’s Dogma 2. The latter, unfortunately, didn’t receive a release date, but the developers did show off a new gameplay trailer and the NPC Pawn system. Exoprimal revealed its post-launch roadmap, as well a brief overview of its story and news of its next open beta starting on June 16.
We received a handful of updates on other titles, including the aforementioned delay of Pragmata and a demo for the upcoming remaster of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. The recently launched Street Fighter 6 is coming to Capcom Pro Tour 2023 and the company is also offering a sale on its games to celebrate its 40th anniversary. One franchise mostly absent from the show was Resident Evil — the company replayed RE4R’s VR trailer but didn’t announce any of the game’s rumored DLC.
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